Are you confident that you can safeguard me/my child during this period?
Our approach is underpinned by full risk assessments and extensive planning, to ensure that our students and staff are taught and supported in a safe, secure environment. MPW has signed up to the Safe Schools charter, the sector wide approach to best practice standards of health and safety at school. We continue to monitor both the local and global situation to inform our plans, and as we did at the start of the UK pandemic, MPW is willing to make decisions ahead of government advice in the interest of the safety and wellbeing of our students and staff.
Will students and staff need to wear face coverings in College?
Two washable masks will be provided to every student and staff member, with single use disposable masks for all visitors. The wearing of face coverings will be mandatory in the corridors and communal areas of our college.
Will there be regular temperature testing of all students and staff?
Yes, MPW will undertake regular temperature testing of all students and staff. A minimum of two tests per week will be recorded for each student.
Will students and staff have access to hand sanitisers within the College?
Yes, numerous stations have been placed throughout the College to ensure easy access, and regular use of sanitiser by students, staff and visitors will be encouraged.
How will the College be kept clean?
A new, extended, regime is in place for regular surface cleaning, with additional cleaning throughout the day, and thorough sanitisation undertaken overnight.
Will visitors be allowed at MPW London?
Visitors to our Colleges will, wherever possible, be asked to schedule their visit in advance. Their temperature will be taken on arrival, and visitors will be asked to complete a questionnaire around their travel and health in the preceding two weeks.
How will social distancing take place in the College?
MPW London has a clearly signposted circulation system designed to maximise social distancing. Breaks and mealtimes are staggered where possible, and our classrooms are oriented in such a way to allow our small group teaching to continue in a socially distanced manner.
Will events take place at College?
It is unlikely that events such as parent meetings and other college events will take place, with these activities being moved online during this period. We will keep parents and students informed of the latest arrangements during the academic year.
Will students be able to take part in College trips and enrichment opportunities?
Trips, sporting and other activities will be considered on an event by event basis where social distancing measures may allow these to take place, and parents and students will be informed of the latest arrangements around these opportunities as the academic year progresses.
What happens if a MPW student in your London college shows symptoms of COVID-19?
In such a situation, the student concerned will self-isolate away from the College, and will be tested using immediately available COVID-19 tests in stock. Self-isolation will continue until the result of the COVID-19 test is received. If the test is positive, MPW London will work with Public Health England to ensure appropriate steps are related to safeguard all students and staff within the College.
What happens if MPW London has to close on government advice?
If this was the case, we would revert to our successful online model, and continue to teach and support our students to the highest standard possible.