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Are you confident that you can safeguard me/my child during this period?

Our reopening in September is underpinned by full risk assessments and extensive planning, to ensure that our students and staff are supported in a safe, secure living environment.  We continue to monitor both the local and global situation to inform our plans, and to continue to care for students as we have throughout the period March – June 2020.

Have there been any cases of COVID-19 in KSS premises?

There haven’t been any cases of COVID-19 at our Halls of Residence in Cambridge

Will students and staff need to wear face coverings in the Halls of Residence?

All staff and students will be encouraged to wear masks during any quarantine period and in common areas, and we reserve the right to make the wearing of face coverings mandatory should the situation in the UK mean this is necessary.


How will social distancing work in KSS Halls of Residence

KSS rooms are single occupancy with no shared rooms. There are en-suite room options available at both Malta Road and at Tripos Court, where each student has their own bathroom, with self-contained studio options also available.  Government guidance to provide a safe and secure environment for every resident has been rigorously followed.  KSS offers optional meal plans, laundry service and cleaning plans for residents with full support on-site from experienced staff members, and we are able to use these services to support our students within our COVID-19 response plans. 


Will there be regular temperature testing of all students and staff?

Yes, in addition to the testing of students at MPW Cambridge, our staff will also be temperature tested on a minimum of two occasions each week, and will also carry out welfare checks for all residents twice a day, and offer support if they feel unwell.


Will students and staff have access to hand sanitisers within the Halls of Residence?

Yes, dispensers have been placed throughout Lightfoot Halls to ensure easy access, particularly in high traffic areas, and regular use of sanitiser by students, staff and visitors will be encouraged.


How will the Halls of Residence be kept clean?

An enhanced regime will be in place during 2020/21, including regular cleaning of high traffic areas and surfaces throughout the day, including daily cleaning of common areas.


Will visitors be allowed at our Halls of Residence?

We will limit visitors to our accommodation to ensure our residents are comfortable in their homes.  Any visitors, including those undertaking general maintenance, will be asked to schedule their visit in advance where possible, and be required to wear PPE including masks whilst present in our residence.


What happens if a student in your Halls of Residence shows symptoms of COVID-19?

In such a situation, the student concerned will self-isolate, and will be tested immediately and will need to continue self-isolation until the result of the COVID-19 test is received.


What measures will be in place should a student living in a KSS residence catch the virus?

If a student or staff member tests positive, current UK Government guidance is that s/he should self-isolate for 7 days. Closure of the College/Halls of Residence should not be required. During self-isolation, full academic and pastoral support will be offered, including access to remote learning.

I’m not staying in KSS accommodation – how can I check safety concerns?

If you’re not staying with KSS this academic year, please contact your provider directly to check what provisions have been put in place in your residences.


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